I come against you in the name of the Lord > 안교순서

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I come against you in the name of the Lord

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작성자 안식일학교 작성일08-12-26 11:53 조회5,165회 댓글0건


제 목: I come against you in the name of the Lord
(다윗과 골리앗에 대한 영어 성극)

 목 적
 어린이나 학생들이 영어로 할 수 있는 성극 대본으로, 다윗과 골리앗에 관한 내용이다. 여호와의 이름으로 나아간 다윗의 믿음과 용기를 배운다.

 주제 성구
 “다윗이 블레셋 사람에게 이르되 너는 칼과 창과 단창으로 내게 오거니와 나는 만군의 여호와의 이름 곧 네가 모욕하는 이스라엘 군대의 하나님의 이름으로 네게 가노라.”(삼상 17:45)

 등장인물
 David, Brother 1, brother 2, Brother 3, Jesse, Goliath, Saul, Servant.

 준비사항
 각 인물의 특성에 맞게 분장한다.

 연극 대본

<1st Scene> “ Father and son”

(Jesse appears with a basket of food)
- Jesse: (Calls David in a loud voice) David~!!! David~!!!
- David: (Appears answering) Yes father~!!! Did you call me?
- Jesse: Son~ what were you doing?
- David: I was just leading the sheep to the grass.
- Jesse: (Looking worried) Okay (Noding the head.)
- David: But, father, are you anxious for something? You look gloomy. What's going on? Please tell me.
- Jesse: Son~! It's been so many days since your brothers left to the battlefield. (With an anxious voice) I cannot even sleep worring about the safety and life of your brothers.
- David: Don't worry father~!!! I will visite them now.
- Jesse: You? Could you really do that? It will be a long and dangerous way. Maybe the beasts can appear in front of you
- David: (Confidently) Hahahaha~ Father~!!! Yo shouldn't be worried~!!! Don't you know that I always beated by a simple paste the wolves and bears trying to devour the sheep? (Clenching a fist) God will protect me father. Don't worry father~!!!
- Jesse: (tapping on the shoulders of David) OK, OK~ I believe in you courage and the God with you. Then go to meet your brothers with the foods and presents I prepared for them.
- David: (Ona a knee) Yes father~!!! I'll go around seeing them. Take care then you too.
- Jesse: (Stands David up and hugs him) All right, all right, don't worry about me and please be careful on your trip.
(David leaves)
(Jesse's Song)...

<2nd Scene> “David and his brothers”

(Brother 1, 2, 3 appears on the stage)
- Brother 1: (Tired) Ah~ when could this fight be ended? Who could fight against that dreadful philistine army?
- Brother 2: That's what I'm talking about. When do we finish this fight? Ay~ just wanna go home.
- David: (Comes delightedly to see his brothers) (Breathlessly) Brothers~!!! Brothers~!!!
- Brother 2: (Surprised) Hey! Who's that?
- Brother 3: Hey, that's David~!
- David: (Getting close to them) Brothers~!!! How were you guys?
- Brother 3: Hey, how did you come here?
(Surrounding David, and press him...)
- Brother 1: What's going on at home?
- Brother 2: Did something happen to our father?
- Brother 3: How did you know that we are here?
- David: (Says easily) Hoo~ just let me breath for a second. Easy, easy.
- Brother 1: Tell us what happened, right now.
- David: Dad was so anxious about you, so he sent me with some food and present. Our father is all right.
- Brother 2: Ho~ that's good. I was so surprised boy.
- Brother 3: Ah, our father, how could he send you here?
- Brother 1: (shouting strongly) and who's taking care of the sheep? Did you just come to see the battlefield on the pretext of that order?
- David: (Sadly) No, brother. How would you say that? I came here because I was so worried about you guys
(Hide quickly...)
- Brother 3: I think he's coming.
- David: Goliath? Who's he that all the army is frightened at?
- Brother 2: Oh, don't even mention about him. If you see him you will be totally frightened to death.
- Brother 3: They say he's twice bigger than an ordinary man, and he brings a monstrous helmet and armor. The shaft of his lance is so big like a loom, and its blade weigh 7kgs. (Shaking his head) Uiii~ it's so terrible just thinking about it.
- David: Oh, really? He must be very big and great, that all of you are so scared for him.
- Brother 1: It's so shameful that no one can fight against that man who's defying our God and his people.

- David: (Indignantly and exasperated) (stands up) what? He defies our God? I cannot forgive him. I cannot forgive who's insulting God and his own people~!!!
(David's song)......

<3rd Scene> “ David and Saul”

(Saul and his servant appear...)
- Saul: (Anxiously) Oh, what do we do? Who could defeat that big giant as Goliath?
- David: (Comes in valiantly and falls on his knees before Saul)
- Saul: Who are you?
- David: I am David, son of Jesse.
- Saul: How a little boy like you is here?
- David: I can't take any longer of that blasphemous Goliath defying the God of Israel. Please send me to the battlefield.
- Saul: (laughing ridiculously) Hahaha. Oh, look at this boy. (Seriously) Well~ how will you fight with that giant?
-David: (looking at the audience...) I am just a shepperd, but the Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bears will deliver me from the hand of this philistine.
(Song of David)...
- Saul: (Seriously) hmmm~I will believe in your God...
- Servant: (Imminently) No. your majesty, no. That's impossible. Sire, if you send that boy, all the Israel will be a laughing stock, and even if Goliath wins, no one will be able to defeat their high morale. If you send that boy, this war will be totally ruined.
- Saul: David!
- David: Yes, your majesty~!!!
- Saul: What do you have to defeat him?
- David: I will be armed by the name of God.
- Saul: The go!!

<4th Scene> “David & Goliath”

(Goliath appears)
- Goliath: (with an arrogant voice) Bahahaha~!!! You little cowards~!!! None of you are able to fight against me? Where has gone the God you believe? Don't stay shaking like rats and choose a man to fight against me~!!! If he wins we will be your slaves, and if I kill him and win, all of you will be our slaves~!!! Now come~!!!
- David: (With a strong voice) I come against you~!!! You uncircumcised philistine~!!! Who are you to defy the armies of the living God?
- Goliath: Huh? I knew that your army was miserable, but, how dare you to send a boy to fight against me?(Exploding) Am I dog, that you come at me with sticks? Right~!!! Come here~!!! And I'll give your flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field~!!! Arrg~!!! (Threatening David with the spear in his hand.)
- David: You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the god of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied~!!! And I will win aganst you~!!!
- Goliath: (Intolerably insulted and angry) Gaaaaaaaarrrr~!!! (Trying to strike)
- David: (Calmly spins his sling).
(Stop drumming just when David throws the rock)
- Goliath: (fall slow and silently) Pooooom~!!! (Appear all the characters) (Shout all together) Woooo~~~David has won~!!! The Lord of the armies has won~!!! Wooooooooooooooo~!!! (Drumming).
- David: (Drum stopped) Thanks God~!!! You give power to who calls your name~!!!
* We praise the name of the Lord. Allelujah!! (All together) Allelujah!!
(All the actors singing together.)


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